A little introduction to the interview below. This dog/blanket was Gordon's since he was a baby and we always called it Buddy. Gordon couldn't say buddy so he said "Puddy." Even now that he can say buddy, it is still "Puddy." Puddy has always been there, but more in the background, until lately. I think it was around the time we moved, Puddy became Gordon's best friend. Puddy went everywhere and did everything with him. And now without further ado, I introduce to you, Puddy...

M: What is Pudddy?
G: Her's a girl
M: What does Puddy like to do?
G: She likes to pick up movies and put them in their spots. Her likes to play with choo-choo trains and...her likes to play outside.
M: What does she like to do with you.
G: Her likes to hug me.
M: anything else
G: Nope
M: Why do you like Puddy?
G: Because her's my baby.
M: Where did you get Puddy?
G: From Logan. Her just, we didn't even found her.
M: How do you take care of Puddy
G: Her can have a blanket and a picnic. Look at her picnic blanket.
M: Do you love Puddy more than you love mommy?
G: Yep, well Puddy's mommy died. Because her is a little bit much. Her makes a mess for lunch.
M: Anything else you would like to tell us about Puddy?
G: Yep, her likes to play hide and seek.
I've had this in my drafts for awhile now and I think it appropriate to post it now as a tribute and a goodbye. We lost Puddy at a relatives house and it was deduced that the dog took her away and buried her. It was very sad for Gordon (not so much for mommy.) It took a couple of weeks to forget about her but I think he has finally moved on. It happened about a week before his birthday and he kept asking me if Puddy was going to come to his party. I think once she was a no-show, Gordon decided to find a new best friend, his stuffed moose. Moose is no where near the status that Puddy once was. Moose is often forgotten and doesn't have to go in the car with us everywhere we go. Moose doesn't ever get to eat breakfast with us and rarely gets to sleep with Gordon at night. Moose just isn't the same. Goodbye Puddy. You are loved and missed (by at least one of us.)